Sunday, January 09, 2005



It is impossible to please God without faith; Hebrews 11:6. We must understand that faith moves God and nothing else. God is bound by His Word, He has already established and set in motion the principles and conditions that MUST be before things can happen; faith moves God. God is eager to help anyone, He is waiting for anyone to step into that realm of spiritual instead of mental to where He can move and bless people abundantly in spiritual and material needs. When you get born again faith comes, the measure of faith, regardless of feelings; Romans 12:3. The God kind of faith comes to "whosoever will" Mark 11:23. Faith is considered a gift of God, when you believe according to the Word for what you need; salvation, healing, financial needs, etc. Faith is now, if it isn't now it isn't faith. The principles of faith are the same in receiving in any area; Holy Spirit, healing, finances, etc. The Word explains that faith is "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"; Hebrews 11:1. Back in Mark 11:23-24, Jesus used the figure of a mountain when He talks of faith getting things done; why? wigglesworth put it like this, that if faith can move mountains it can move anything. Jesus was smart, when He taught on the different subjects in the Bible He used the illustration of a mountain because, of course, the size and stability of it. That even though it was fixed, the name of Jesus could root it up and cast it into the sea.

Jesus also spoke to the wind in Mark 4:39 and the wind ceased and was still. You may have a mountain in your life, wigglesworth states many miraculous happenings in his book and many healings: wigglesworth, "these things were mountains in those peoples lives, and the only thing that rooted them up was faith in the Word that the name of Jesus could do the job. The Word tells us to speak to the natural world, speak to the things that hinder and disrupt you; Hebrews11:3, God created the world by speaking it into existence; Gen. 1:1. "And God said....." believe those things which you say will come to pass; Mark 11:23. We need to start believeing in our own words, "I believed, therefore I have spoken"; II corinthians 4:13. People must get a hold of the fact just because they use the name of Jesus doesn't mean results; without faith and belief backing it up. The name of Jesus can manifest it in the spiritual realm, but it takes faith to have it manifest in the physical. It states in the Word that we partake of Gods very nature; success, love, power, etc. by the Word; II Peter 1:3-4. It takes faith to believe something like this, when people do get a hold of things like this then they need to act like its so; faith without action is dead!- James 2:17.

Smith Wigglesworth instilled this kind of faith when ministering to someone who had an "impossible" disease, and thought they were going to die. Wigglesworths' faith overcame those barriers of unbelief and selfpity and got the job done, he had the faith that overcomes the world- I John 5:4. Faith is very much connected with rightousness. You must believe you have the right to ask for something, in faith, before you will recieve it manifest. Smith Wigglesworth goes indepth with the rightousness that we have with God.

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